Worldwide unique hydrostatic screw drives – all advantages at 1 glance

15 Advantages of lead screws compared to ball screws & roller bearings:

  • Wear-free, as there is no contact during operation
  • No loss of accuracy, even during long periods of operation under full load at maximum power.
  • Speed
  • Friction-free at low speeds
  • No reversal of the frictional force when changing the direction of rotation
  • Transmits the slightest rotary movements
  • No stick-slip effect even at low speeds
  • No fluctuations in the frictional torque due to ball circulation
  • Higher axial stiffness than ball screws
  • Much better damping: therefore better workpiece surface and tool life
  • No vibrations due to the ball circulation
  • Also suitable for high speeds and acceleration
  • low-cost alternative to the linear motor with higher accuracy, much lower
  • Heating
  • Much lower power loss and therefore no problems with chips on the permanent magnet
  • Many times lower cooling capacity than linear motors

8 technical features of our screw drives:

  • Absorption of axial and radial forces and torques – Suitable for one-sided mounting of the threaded spindle
  • High-precision bearing of the screw drive
  • Double cones suspended between hydrostatic pockets for mounting in an “O arrangement”
  • Integrated volume control by pocket pressure only, only one hydraulic connection,
  • No additional electronic control required
  • All supply and discharge lines in the flange surface
  • Optional: Sealing to one side with sealing air/gap seal or sliding seal
  • Spindle ends are designed according to customer requirements

Adjustment of the hydrostatic nut:

  • Axial load in both directions
  • max. Speed
  • Desired stiffness

    +49 7161 965959-0

    Hyprostatik Schönfeld GmbH
    Felix-Hollenberg-Str. 3
    D-73035 Goeppingen

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